High School Study Tips : The Importance of Feedback

Feedback from teacher to student is an essential factor in effective learning. In fact, it is regarded as the single most important teaching practice to ensure optimum achievement by a student.
Quite obviously students need to know if they are right or wrong in their responses but feedback is far more than ticks and crosses.
Guidance on the accuracy, detail and depth of responses is absolutely necessary for students’ learning to progress.
Feedback can come in many forms from informal, verbal comments in the classroom to margin notes written on exam papers and post task group discussions.
From a student’s perspective, feedback, in whatever form, should be sought as often as possible. Quite naturally it will come in class discussions and should also come in writing after the submission of any task. However, students should also be encouraged to seek further feedback if needed or clarification on what has been given. As helpful and necessary as feedback is, it is pointless unless understood and of course, acted upon.
As much as the onus is on the teacher to provide it, equal responsibility lies with the student to use it to enhance their learning.
Do you need help preparing for your exams? Contact our Sydney tutors for assistance.
Our small team of Inner West tutors are qualified, dedicated tutors experienced in providing not only the highest standard of teaching in the areas of literacy (English) and high school maths tutoring but also the engagement and motivation needed to maximise secondary and HSC student’s learning. We can assist with NAPLAN sample test and exam preparation.
All our staff are also experienced academic and pastoral mentors, enabling them to advise and support in many areas such as organisation, structuring revision schedules, creating a suitable working environment, subject selection and more. From advice on subject selections, how best to prepare for exams and assessments and possible tertiary and career options, through to organisation and effective study environments, our staff can assist your child with specific, experienced advice and suggestions to maximise their engagement and learning.
Our homework club and study sessions provide students with a supervised and assisted learning environment in which they can complete set work from school, prepare for assessments or simply revise and study.
Contact us for more information about our Sydney private tutoring services and teen mentoring programs. We are conveniently located at Birchgrove in Sydney’s Inner West.